Learn more about what we do

The cost for our educational presentations are as follows:

1 hour presentation with our educational animals $250 + donations (monetary or from our needs list) (each additional hr is $150)

1 hour presentation without our educational animals $175 + donations (monetary or from our needs list) (within a 1 hour drive from our centre in Oil Springs)

The one hour presentation on our end looks like this:
• Load up animals/display and games etc: 1/2hr
• Drive to the site: 1 hr • Unload and set up: 1/2 hr
• Presentation 1hr • Load and pack up 1/2 hr
• Drive back to clinic 1 hr
• Unload and put everyone and everything away 1/2 hr
• Total time 5 hrs (5 hrs x 2 to 3 staff = 10 to 15 hrs total)
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More Information:

Email: [email protected]  

To discuss dates/times and event details.

The proceeds from our educational programs go directly to feeding, caring for and housing our educational animals as well as our wildlife patients being rehabilitated. Each of our educational animals were all deemed non releasable for various reasons. When a wild animal is non releasable the law states that they legally have to be humanely euthanized or we can apply for educational permits for these animals. Our permanent residents are provided with all the medical care and natural foods they need in order to be healthy and happy for the rest of their lives.


Educational Programs

Each of our presentations may include 3 to 5 educational animals. (depending on what educational animals we have at the time) These animals could include a groundhog, striped skunk, opossum, painted turtle or a tortoise, unless it is located at a venue where animals are not permitted. Our educational presentations are 1 hour in length and include a question answer period.

There are several presentations to choose from all of which are designed to give the audience a better understanding and appreciation for our native wildlife and conservation of their habitats. Some of the groups that HWR has presented to include day cares, campgrounds, conservation areas, libraries, local fairs, guides and scouts, service clubs and special community events.

Educational Programs Available:

1. Meet, learn about and protect our wild neighbours!

This interactive presentation is great for all public school children! A chance to meet various wildlife species and learn how they benefit us! We go over some dangers to wildlife, solutions and ways we can all help wildlife every day.
Includes games such as: The fishing Game, Poopology, Skunks Misery, A Raccoon’s Life and more!

2. Wild Winters

This interactive presentation is great for all public school children! A chance to meet various wildlife species and learn about how they prepare for and survive in winter.
Topics discussed include their habitat, torpor, hibernation and challenges different species have and how they over come those challenges to survive! Lots of fun to be had playing games such as: Wild Habitats, Squirrels Winter Challenge, and Forest Animal Memory & Match game.

PowerPoint Presentations:

These presentations can be done with or without our educational animals.

3. Groundhog Day Prediction & Presentation

This is a special event that we offer once per year on Groundhog Day Feb 2nd. Schools, libraries and communities and can apply to have Oil Springs Ollie come to their school to make his prediction on Groundhog Day! After the prediction we will do a special ½ hr Groundhog PowerPoint presentation.
This is an exciting event! There is no charge for this event however schools are encouraged to organize a fundraiser such as toonies for wildlife or collect items from our HWR needs list during the month of January to present to Oil Springs Ollie on Groundhog Day.

4. HWR who we are what we do

A PowerPoint presentation about Heaven’s Wildlife Rescue From the beginning until present and a peek into the future of HWR. This presentation will also give you a look into a day in the life of HWR volunteers and our patients that we treat.  This presentation includes a few of our educational animals.
We will keep you entertained and will leave you with a greater understanding of the importance of wildlife rehabilitation today. 

5. Nocturnal/Diurnal Wildlife

This PowerPoint presentation introduces a variety of nocturnal and Diurnal animals and their habits and habitats. Children learn why and how they come to our back yards and how they can tell they have been there! This presentation includes a few of our educational animals. 
This Interesting and engaging experience for primary school children ages 4-10. (Can be presented without our educational animals)

6. Benefits of Wildlife

 This presentation introduces you to a variety of wildlife species and informs you of their benefits to our environment, interesting facts and also dispels some myths about these species. We also talk about species at risk in our area and environmental and human threats to these species. This presentation includes a few of our educational animals. A real eye opener and interesting presentation for all ages!

Coming soon:
7. Environmental Awareness

Focuses in ecological issues and how each person can make a difference.

8. Animal Adaptations

An adaptation is a special characteristic an animal has to help it to survive. Students will compare and contrast animals to see the adaptations they have for their different habitats.

9. Food Webs

Students will explore the dynamics of “the circle of life.” It is important to understand that in the natural world living things interact to maintain a properly balanced ecosystem. 

10. Ecosystems and Habitats

An ecosystem contains many habitats! Exploring ecosystems and habitats of different species.

11. Conservation

Preservation, protection, or restoration of the environment, ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife.


What our customers write about us


Peggy Jenkins, from Heaven's Wildlife Rescue, delivered exceptional programming for the Lambton County Library's 2017 Summer Reading Program. We had her out to seven locations and drew large local crowds to all participating branches.

Peggy brought a variety of live educational animals in to the branches and presented some animal trivia about each one. In addition to giving the kids an up close look at local Ontario wildlife, such as groundhogs, red eared slider turtle, painted turtle and skunks, Peggy did a fantastic job on educating the kids about the damage that humans can unwittingly cause to animals.

Peggy's passion in protecting local wildlife inspired the kids to ask lots of questions. She responded enthusiastically to the kids. She was able to adapt the program for both an indoor and outdoor space, and had interactive games that the kids could play to re-inforce the concept of safe disposal of waste items.

Peggy also brought all kinds of interesting display items, such as porcupine quills, a skunk pelt, shed snake skin, an ""identify the animal poop"" game and more. The kids were able to look at the various exhibits after she finished the talk, participate in the games.

Overall, I would strongly recommend Peggy Jenkins from Heaven's Wildlife Rescue for educational children's programming. The kids were energized, inspired and extremely enthusiastic participants in the program. Sincerely,

Lise Babcock

Heaven's Wildlife Rescue provided my students with a hands on look at wild animals that live in our local community. Peggy and the other presenters were engaging and knowledgeable.
They taught my students about real issues that are harming animals right here in our area and what they can do to help.
My students won't soon forget seeing Stinkerbutt, Ernie, Emma and Roo right here at our school.
My students still talk about the animals almost every day. Especially Stinkerbutt and Ernie.
Grade 1 Teacher, Lansdowne Public School

Laura Van Bunderen (Dezort)

Five Stars *****
Heaven’s Wildlife Rescue came to Sombra Museum’s Annual Blueberry Social during the first weekend of August and it was a fantastic experience!
We had and continue to have many positive comments about their presentation of the animals and Peggy and the volunteers’ knowledge. They brought two skunks, two turtles and Emma the opossum who was by far the star of the show! I personally enjoyed watching her walk around, learning about her opposable ‘thumbs’ and her diet, how she came to HWR and watching her devour fresh blueberries.
The experience was entertaining and educational and I saw many people, young and old, with smiles on their faces, fascinated by the entire presentation. I learned a lot that I did not know before (opossums eat ticks) and for many people, this was the first opportunity that they had to see these amazing animals.

Heaven’s Wildlife Rescue truly does save these animals’ lives and give them a second chance; all of the demonstration animals were injured and unable to return to the wild, so they likely would have been destroyed if they were not a part of HWR educational programming. Peggy and her staff were very attentive to the animals and made sure that they had plenty of water, food and experienced as little stress as possible with all of the people around. They really care about the animals.
HWR does great work with the animals and I overheard more than one person express interest In volunteering after hearing the presentation during our event. At Sombra Museum we would jump at the chance to have Peggy and her team to return to do more programming in the future.
I would highly recommend having them to your events or in your classrooms. Children and adults alike will enjoy the various programs. Kailyn Shepley Curator, Sombra Museum

Kailyn Shepley